Age 2 years
Adeleine, what's your name? "Meeeeeee!" Good answer to a silly question!
Adeleine really enjoys saying "Hi' and "Bye". She says it so loud and with such enthusiasm everyone in the daycare (even in different rooms) all respond to her and wave back. Hi-eeeeeee! or Bye-eeeeeeee!
At 21 months corrected (24 actual) she has quite a collection of words now, with some of them being two words together. She's been working on her words for about 5 months or so and it is great to see her progress. Lately, her favourites (besides Hi and Bye) are:
Shoe (which always sounds like a question)
Pee (please or pee)
Mo pee (more please)
Up pee (up please)
Ha pee (help please)
O Pee (open please)
Ca ca (cracker)
Chippee (Chips)
SIDE (outside or inside, depends on what side of the door she's on)
Malla (any type of melon)
Mer (milk)
Appa (any type of round fruit: apple, orange, peach, tomato)
Eee-a (Liam)
Sta-wee (story)
Ba-ba ba-ba (belly button)
Ba-ba (bunny)
Juuuu (juice)
She also has her first two real sentences! Both said in the same weekend!
Andrew came home and went in the bedroom and said "Adeleine! Where are you?" and she answered from the bathroom: "I in the tub!" What? No. Andrew couldn't believe it either. But then she said it again!
She was invited into the kitchen where there was pizza and said "I like pizza.". Just like that. Just like a regular person making a statement about their preferences. Crazy!
In the grocery store she saw a bag of chips and spent the next 5 minutes yelling CHIPPEE Chippee Chippee CHIPPEE Chippee (repeat this word every breath for 5 minutes). Then she started getting pissed and trying to escape from the cart. Thank goodness I always get the carts with the kid-buckles/straps. This kid likes her nacho chips.
"Drink wata?"
Drinks a bit and then quickly hands her cup back to me.
"No, too spicy."
Adeleine hasn't figured out the word "don't" yet. It gets confusing at our house sometimes.
A: I LIKE carrots.
Me: You like carrots?
A: NO! I LIKE carrots.
Me: You like carrots. OK, here's a carrot.
A: No! No! I LIKE carrots.
Me: You don't like carrots?
A: Yes. I LIKE carrots.
Me: Ok then, no carrots for you.
Adeleine (very much like Liam) puts everything in her mouth. Once, I left her in another room with a dead fly to go get a tissue to pick it up. When I came back it was gone. Ew.
She also puts coins in her mouth. Once I found her with some change in her hand and a full mouth and said "Adeleine open your mouth". She shook her head and mumbled "MO!". "Spit it out!" She opens her mouth and I swear I could hear the slot machine bells ringing because the amount of change that poured out of her mouth was astonishing. DING DING DING We have a winner!
When she's telling you a story, sometimes she throws the word "Poopoohead" in just to see if you are listening.
At Liam's soccer tournament she streaked. Totally nude. Ok, she was wearing her sandals.
She thinks she made up a word. She's very proud of it. In the tub the kids were calling each other "armpit head", "stinky feet head" and 'poopoo head' and before I could put an end to it Adeleine breaks out the word "penis head" and instantly finds it hilarious. So now that's her new word. "PEENAHEAD! PEENAHEAD!" and then she falls into a fit of giggles. We are trying to ignore this.
She has a nightmare and wakes up crying and yelling saying "My candy! My candy! NOOOoooooo! MY candy!" I tell her to wake up, its a nightmare and she says "OPEN your mouth!" I do. She sticks her fingers inside, finds nothing and cries "YOU ATE MY CANDY!!!" and has a total fit.
Age 1 year (corrected)
She likes to throw things on the ground and say "Uh oh!" When she gets full or just bored with her dinner she starts this game. Drop food. Uh oh! Drop spoon. Uh oh! Drop cup. Uh Oh! It's so much fun!
Yesterday she tooted a teeny tiny little toot and said Uh Oh!
She has whole conversations with little Adeleine words. Doot doo doot. Da doot. Doot. Doot. Mmmm doot!
She has started to climb stairs. She crawls as fast as she can over to the bottom of the stairs with her little bum swinging back and forth. Then she scoots up the stairs at such an incredible speed she's halfway up before you even notice she's gone. Then she looks behind at you, giggles and squeals and keeps climbing the stairs all the way up.
She poops sparkles! She's a fairy!! Oh, wait, no, that was just some sparkle gems she ingested while nibbling on an old birthday card. Darn.
Adeleine took TWO steps this week! Yaaaaay! Now every time she gets
ready to walk we all (ok just me) freak out and gather the family around
to watch her stand there and we're all thinking "This is the big
moment! This is it!" and she just grins at us with her adorably goofy
teeth and pauses there forever and then decides nope, not ready yet, you
people are much too excited about this, I'll do it when no one is
looking thank you very much, and flops to the floor.
She loves her belly button. If you ask her about it she will show it to you and say Boop boo boop!
She started walking at 13 months corrected and was an expert by 14 months. At 16 months she is RUNNING! And she is FAST!
If she knows she is being chased (or if she just has something she knows she shouldn't) she runs away quickly and everyone once in a while will stop, look back, giggle and run again.
She has 14 words! (at 17 months corrected)
Eee-Eee (Lily our cat)
Ha (Hot. She says this while holding out her hand indicating "stop" and then tries to blow on it)
Da? (That? as in What's that?)
Da (Dog and Duck)
Dis? (This?)
Eeese (Please)
Ca (Cat)
Boo (Book)
Mo (mouth)
Uh Oh (most favourite word ever)
Mees (mine, me's)
Age 10 months (corrected)
Second tooth came in! It is on the bottom too, and just as delightfully crooked as the first, but in the opposite direction. Hilarious. They look like this: / \
She now says Hi Dada. Is that her first sentence?? Oh my, she is so advanced....
She has also begun to pull herself up and cruise furniture. This means she can get into everything now. We are in trouble!!!
She still loves food. If there is food anywhere near her, she has to have it. Don't even think about eating that cracker without sharing. She will lunge at you with her open mouth and tongue hanging out. Her eyes say SHARE!!!! If you don't share she will start yelling at you. So just share, quickly. She eats everything. Have yet to find a food she won't eat.
She loves Liam. He can get a bit rough with her, squeezing (hugging) her too hard, squishing her cheeks too hard, kissing her too hard, totally squishing her too hard, and she just SMILES the most giant smile and giggles. She thinks Liam is the best thing ever. Can't wipe the smile off her face. So cute.
She tries to wake up Liam by yelling and crawling on him. If she gets up before him or wakes up in the middle of the night, she crawls over to his side of the bed and yells "Ah! Ah! Aaaah!" and crawls on him, pokes him in the mouth with her 'investigative finger' and then snuggles next to him and plays with his hair while sucking her thumb. It is freaking adorable and I wish I had a camera all the time.
She has learned to wave hi. I think it may have been the two hours of exposure to people waving in the parade on the weekend that did it. The next day she suddenly waved! She says hi and waves by opening and closing her hand. It is hilarious because her hand is facing her while she does it so it looks like she is waving to herself. She loves the reaction she gets! Just this week she has charmed patrons with her waving in two restaurants, the grocery store and a bowling alley. Every time I look over my shoulder there is somebody smiling a HUGE goofy grin at my kid and Adeleine's smiling back while waving at her own face.
Age 9 months (corrected)
Adeleine has a second word! It is Hi! It is great. She will say Hi, or Hey, or Haaaaaa. They all mean hi.
She also finally has a tooth! On the bottom. It is delightfully crooked. I love it.
Age 8 months (corrected)
Adeleine has started crawling and is still working on getting some teeth so EVERYTHING she can get her hands on goes in her mouth. I think she is just trying to determine what in the world is food and what isn't. "Is it food? Hmmm, better try and eat it....Nope, not food. Next! Is that food? .....Nope. Try again. How about this one? ....Well, it was edible." Things she has put in her mouth or eaten in the past week include: grass, leaves, goose poop (probably), guinea pig chew stick, hay, paper, old piece of steak off the floor, daddy's shoe, mommy's sandal, Liam's boots (apparently she had to test all forms of footwear to determine if it was food/not food), car keys, all of Liam's toys (especially the dinky cars), books, you name it, she's tried to eat it. She also likes actual food. She's a really good eater.
She has a word!!! Well it is a long word but it is a word! "Da da da da da da da da!" It is a great word!
Age 6 months (corrected)
When we go for walks to the ice cream store (well I walk, the kids ride in the wagon), Adeleine gets a toy to chew on for the ride. She has become quite stealth at dropping her toy out of the wagon when no one is looking, without making a sound. On our last walk I kept asking Liam every two minutes if she still had her toy, then when this clearly became annoying to both of us I stopped asking. Of course, the next time I turned around to check, the toy was long gone. We always pick it up on the way home, wash it and get it ready for the next adventure with Adeleine.
At the ice cream store I was holding Adeleine and my ice cream cone in one arm and fiddling with change in the other. As soon as my hand (with the cone) got close enough to her she reached out and sunk her grip into the ice cream, her tiny fingers lost in the mush, and without flinching at the cold, pulled the ball of ice cream towards her open mouth. As it teetered on the edge of the cone, threatening to hit the floor (not even 10 seconds after I got it and before it was actually purchased!), I managed to quickly dump all the change on the counter and release her grip on my delicious dessert. One day baby girl, one day you can have your own. But today, it is mine.
Adeleine is much more 'touchy feely' than Liam. She loves to hold soft blankets or sheets and rub them against her face, especially while she is sucking her thumb. Sometimes, she'll grab a pillow and while playing with the pillow case on her cheek, she attempts to nurse the corner of the pillow. I suppose it is kind of boob-like. I can see this kid having a favourite blankie or lovey toy one day, but for now, she just likes pillows.
Age 2 months (corrected)
Adeleine indicates that she is hungry by sucking on her hands. Sometimes, if I don't get to her fast enough she begins to viciously suck on them, opening her mouth wide, turning her hand around to get at it all, gnawing on her fist as if to say "I didn't think you were ever going to get here so I just had to eat my own hand".
Adeleine is a happy baby. Smiles all the time and hardly ever cries. She will just complain a little if she needs something. When she does cry, that means there is something REALLY wrong. Her cries startle us since they are so infrequent and sound like an ambulance wail: silence then, "wwwaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn".