
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Going Back to Work

I have managed to survive my first two months back at work after being away on maternity leave for 15 months. After I remembered what exactly it is that I did at work I realized that there are  many advantages to being back:

Stokke High Chair Review

This post goes in the "Baby Gear We Love" category. I won't post about the baby gear we find useless unless someone asks me about something in particular. Or unless I get ticked off while shopping. I like talking about stuff that is AWESOME!! 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Finding Real Food

I last went on a rant about hidden ingredients in food last June - remember the sugar in salt? Since then I have found a few more foods that I just assumed contained what was in their name.

Peanut Butter - contains sugar and hydogenated vegetable oil (This list is for Kraft. Jiffy and Skippy contain more ridiculous ingredients like malodextrin, mono and diglycerides and about 6 things other than peanuts).