
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Montessori at Home

So what the heck is Montessori anyway? 
It is super hard to describe all that Montessori is! Liam's toddler room teacher said that the best way to describe it, is to see it in action, visit a Montessori classroom. From my experience, it will be transforming. But here is my best definition:

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Beginnings and Endings

When you go back to work after a maternity leave and need to put your little one in some sort of care you do a lot of research. There are a lot of choices out there for childcare. Family, home care, childcare centre, nursery school, Montessori, etc. Our choices were kind of limited since we had no family in the area, there were no licensed home cares in our town and Liam was too young for nursery schools or Montessori, so I looked into daycares. I researched and toured 5 daycare centres before I chose one.

Monday, November 21, 2011

No sick days, but the benefits are good.

Fair warning: This is a pity party post. You don't want to join my party, skip it.